Reuse Old Pillowcases for Household Chores and DIY Projects

As you declutter your home and sort through unused items for the new year, saving some old items can be worthwhile. For instance, old pillowcases can be used for various purposes. Rhonda Wilson, the quality lead cleaner at FreshSpace Cleaning, is our expert. She shares the best ways to reuse old pillowcases.
Wipe Down Dirty Air Vents: If your air vents haven’t been cleaned in a while, it’s time to tackle those tight, dusty spaces. Wrap a pillowcase around a butter knife and spray it lightly with your favorite cleaner to access those tough, tight areas.

Upcycle Them As Dust Bags: Store your precious or everyday tote bags in an old pillowcase to keep them in good shape and dust-free. Slip your bags inside and tie it off.

Dry Your Hair: Just like using a cotton T-shirt to dry hair and prevent frizziness and damage, an old pillowcase can work too. Cotton is smooth and won’t rough up your hair’s cuticle.

DIY a Dog Bed Cover: For dog lovers, reuse an old pillowcase to create a comfortable bed. Stuff it with soft materials like towels, an old cushion, or an extra blanket. Then tie it shut or sew it.

Filter Paint Strainers: Old paint can have dried-up pieces. Use old pillowcases to strain paint. Cover the opening of the paint can and secure it with a rubber band. When pouring the paint through, the pillowcase acts as a fine mesh strainer.

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