While I’m a huge fan of scrolling through CleanTok to discover a brand-new cleaning and organizing method, I recently realized there’s something else I love almost as much. I especially enjoy coming across a viral method with a great name only to find out it’s something I already do. In this case, the latest method taking TikTok by storm is called the ‘closing shift’. As it turns out, I’ve been doing this for years without giving it a name.
What Is the ‘Closing Shift’ Method? If you’ve worked in a restaurant or retail, this simple phrase probably tells you everything you need to know. Even as someone who had my fair share of retail jobs in college and beyond, I never realized how much that experience influenced my daily life. Basically, the ‘closing shift’ method means getting your home cleaned, organized, and ready for the next day at the end of the day.
Implementing a ‘closing shift’ at the end of the day is an essential part of maintaining a clean and organized home. This routine is particularly important for children, who are responsible for tidying up their toys and crafts.
While the children put away their Legos, puzzles, and craft supplies, I focus on the living room. During the day, it remains largely unused, but I ensure the piano is clear of practice books, the couch cushions are fluffed, and any misplaced books or papers are returned to their rightful places.
Once the children retire for the night, I create a relaxing atmosphere by lighting a few candles and dimming the lights. This allows my husband and me to unwind with a TV show or reading before bed.
Phase Four of our routine involves planning for the morning. With the start of school for my youngest, mornings became hectic, but the ‘closing shift’ has been a lifesaver. At the end of each day, we prepare everything needed for the next morning: laying out school uniforms, gathering bookbags and backpacks, and ensuring all extracurricular items like instruments and ballet bags are ready for the next day.
There are nights when the idea of a thorough cleaning and organizing feels overwhelming, but the benefits of a calmer morning are worth the effort. The ‘closing shift’ has significantly reduced chaos in our home.