Creative Uses of Dishwasher Pods for Home Cleaning

Thinking creatively is essential when it comes to cleaning, especially when time is short or resources are limited. Surprisingly, dishwasher pods can be a versatile cleaning tool around the house. We’ve gathered expert advice on how to use them effectively.

Meet the Experts:

Chris Willatt, founder and owner of Alpine Maids in Denver, CO, and James King, operations manager at DeluxeMaid in Indianapolis, IN, share their top tips for unconventional cleaning with dishwasher pods.

Deodorize the Trash:

James King suggests a simple solution for odor control in the trash. ‘Toss a pod at the bottom of your trash bag before you start filling it up,’ he says. ‘When it’s time to take the trash out, you’ll notice the difference.’

Tackle Tough Stains:

Chris Willatt offers a method for dealing with stubborn stains. ‘These stains are tough to scrub off with a brush because it is hard to get in there and really add elbow grease,’ he explains. ‘All you need to do is break a dishwasher pod in your mug, fill it with piping hot water, let it sit for an hour and scrub the stains right off.’

Clean the Garbage Disposal:

King’s preferred method for cleaning a garbage disposal involves a dishwasher pod and hot water. ‘The cleaning enzymes go to work, breaking down the food scraps, grease, and odors that have built up over time,’ he says.

Restore the Walls:

Over time, walls can accumulate various marks. Willatt recommends using dishwasher pods to clean them. ‘Dishwasher pods are actually a really good way to clean crayon, paint, or juice stains off your wall, floors, or floorboards,’ he says. ‘Throw two dishwasher tablets in a bucket of hot water, let them dissolve then use a scrubber to scrub off those pesky stains.’

Refresh Outdoor Furniture:

Dishwasher pods can also be used to clean outdoor furniture without damaging plastic components.

All you need to do is dissolve the pod in some warm water. Then, grab a sponge and start wiping down. Once you’ve wiped everything down, rinse with clean water to wash away any leftover detergent. And you’re done,’ King says.

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