As the holiday hosting season approaches, managing various tasks can be overwhelming. To simplify the process, we’ve gathered expert advice on cleaning shortcuts to make your home guest-ready in no time.
Meet the Experts:
Jade Piper is the Operations Manager for BetterCleans, a professional cleaning company based in Milwaukee. Kathy Turley is the director of marketing at Home Clean Heroes.
Close Off Unused Spaces:
If certain areas of your home won’t be accessed by guests, such as children’s bedrooms or home offices, there’s no need to clean them. Focus on the spaces that will be used: living areas, kitchen, and bathroom. Jade Piper recommends this as her top cleaning trick when time is limited. She says, “I’ll do a quick scan of the house, and if a room looks like a tornado hit it, boom, door shut, problem solved.” Kathy Turley’s shortcut, known as ‘stash and dash,’ involves gathering clutter and storing it in an unused room like the laundry room.
Vacuum Only High-Traffic Areas:
Piper also suggests vacuuming only the high-traffic areas, particularly those with carpets. A quick zigzag pattern with the vacuum is enough to create the illusion of effort. She recommends focusing on the entryway, living room, and dining room, where guests will be walking through.
Dim the Lights:
While not a cleaning shortcut per se, dimming the lights can make your home appear cleaner. Opt for ambient lighting like table lamps and candles, which also helps set a cozy atmosphere. Piper explains, “It will hide dust, smudges, and even those little crumbs you missed on the floor.”
Use Scents:
The scent of a home is often one of the first things noticed. If your home smells clean, it can help mask any shortcuts taken before a holiday gathering. Piper says, “A nice smelling home can convince people you’ve been scrubbing for hours, even if you’ve barely lifted a finger.” She recommends using an air freshener, and Turley agrees, though she has her own approach.
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She says, ‘You can throw a mix of cinnamon, orange peels, and cranberries on the stove. You can also bake cookies. That always works!’
Smooth Out Sheets. If you decide to leave the door to your bedroom open – maybe you have some festive decor set up that you don’t mind guests seeing! – Piper recommends a more relaxed approach to making your bed. ‘Don’t go overboard with military precision,’ she says. ‘I just smooth out the sheets, pull up the comforter, and toss a throw pillow or blanket on top.’ No one’s going to go rifling through your bedding to make sure your hospital corners are done just right, so just make the bed enough that it looks tidy.